The On-Line E-Zine of the Sierra Center for Peak Performance
Volume III, Number 10 - December 21, 2000
Welcome to the twenty fourth issue of the free Newsletter of Applied Sport Psychology. Members of this mailing list are automatically entered into the drawing for a free Personalized Subliminal CD from the Sierra Center for Peak Performance.
If you wish to be removed from our mailing list please reply to this message with your e-mail
address and the word "REMOVE" in the title.
The winner of the drawing for the free Personalized Subliminal CD for this time period is Willy H. Fichter.
Willy has 48 hours to claim the Personalized Subliminal CD.
Part II
By Sam Hirschberg
Over the next week you will be bombarded with tons of "holiday goodies." With all the holiday temptations, is there a way to avoid those unwanted pounds and still maintain existing lean muscle?
Choosing the right combination of foods is the key to staying lean and free of any unwanted weight. Using the suggestions below you'll even learn how to drop a few pounds. Eating foods that aid the pancreas to release a combination of insulin and glucagon in a manner consistent with your goals is really the way to stay lean, healthy, and free of extra pounds.
For example, let's compare the diet of two individuals; Sarah and Bob. Sarah and Bob are on opposite ends of the nutrition curves (and, therefore the health curve). Now, the major difference between Sarah and Bob are simply habits - good ones and bad ones. The bad habits that Bob chooses WILL catch up to him one day. Now, habits are simply choices, choices that are made on a daily basis (please consult with Dr. Beale for more information as he can be of tremendous help).
nutrition habits |
nutrition habits
Meal #1: 8:00 AM |
Meal #1: 8:00 AM |
Omelet with three egg whites and one yolk Add a little mozzarella cheese and any vegetables |
Bowl of cereal with whole milk Donut, pastry, or other baked product |
Coffee, or tea |
Coffee |
Meal #2: 10:30 AM |
Meal #2
12:30 |
Protein shake, such as MetRX, |
Hamburger |
Apple |
Soda |
Meal #3: 12:30 PM |
Meal #3 3:00 |
½ of a turkey sandwich on whole wheat bread |
Baked good of some kind |
Small green salad |
Coffee |
Green tea |
Meal #4: 3:00 PM (prior
to 5:00 workout) |
Meal #4 6:30 PM |
Vegetable stir fry with brown rice |
Breaded stuffing, mashed potatoes |
Green tea |
Rolls |
Meal #5: 7:00 PM |
Turkey, ham
Turkey - white meat |
Cole slaw |
Salad or vegetables |
Piece of pumpkin pie, and piece of apple pie |
The difference
between Sarah and Bob are pretty obvious. Sarah eats frequent, healthy,
pre-planned meals throughout the day. And since her highest energy
requirement is her workout at 5:00 PM, her largest carbohydrate consumption is her fourth meal - about 1 ½
- 2 hours prior to her workout.
Her meals consist
of whole grain carbohydrates, low fat proteins, at least five servings of fruits and veggies each day, and plenty
of water throughout the day. She limits her consumption of simple
carbohydrates to keep her pancreas from being overworked.
Now for Bob,
well, he's another story. The mainstay of Bob's diet is of carbohydrates,
high-fat proteins, baked goods, high sugar foods, coffee and soda, and foods that keep his pancreas shooting lots
of insulin. This diet results in huge mood swings and energy lows
about 45-minutes after his feeding times. This is a recipe for disaster.
If he keeps his pancreas consistently shooting insulin 18 hours a day, for a prolonged amount of time, his
pancreas could literally shut down. This is what causes type II diabetes.
Now, Bob also
drinks liquids that dehydrate him. And he's not replenishing
his system with enough water. This is also a recipe for disaster because
it's been found that many illnesses and sicknesses can be avoided by simply staying properly hydrated.
Remember that
insulin inhibits the mobilization of previously stored fat. And a
high-protein meal does not stimulate significant amounts of insulin secretion, so, insulin (the fat-mobilization-inhibitor)
is not present. But, in a high-protein meal, a high level of glucagon
(the fat mobilizer) is present. So, combine your foods wisely
- because in addition to this, a carbohydrate rich meal will also suppress glucagon secretion.
If you don't
eat enough complex carbohydrates, rich in whole grains, you may not have enough energy for your workouts.
This is critical to your training and competitive success. Be
sure to see a certified nutritionist, health practitioner, or qualified coach for some suggestions.
Also, be very
careful because an over-consumption of protein can cause a highly toxic ammonia called urea.
Please don't over-do-it; moderation is important. It is suggested
that an average adult consume about 55-70 grams of protein per day. Or,
if you are under strenuous training, your protein needs will be higher, as you will need to feed your muscles for
adequate recovery. So, be aware of your protein intake, and again,
consult with a certified nutritionist before changing your diet.
It is also critical
that you drink lots of water. You need to flush your kidneys and liver
with plenty of fresh, clean water. As a general rule of thumb, drink
8, 8-oz. glasses of water throughout the day. When training, you might
even drink twice that much.
Food digestion
is highly taxing to your body. So, if you eat frequent, small meals,
composed of lean protein and fruits or veggies, OR whole grain carbohydrates and fruits or veggies, you'll notice
an immediate increase in your energy level, you'll drop excess body fat, and you'll feel your best virtually immediately.
Apply these guidelines
during the holiday season and you'll have no problem in staying lean and fit while everyone else is gaining more
girth around the middle. And when all your well-meaning friends and
relatives gorge themselves with heavy carbs and huge amounts of protein and fat during the holiday season, they
will be amazed at your boundless energy.
Sam Hirschberg is a USPTA tennis professional, an ISSA certified trainer, and senior editor of's free monthly newsletter. Sam is also the author of '1 Athlete - 5 Strengths; Building the Ultimate Athlete training manual' available through for $19.97. To contact Sam, you can email him at
For most of us achieving greater control over our weight, both during the Holidays and beyond, requires very specific behavior and life style changes. We change our behavior and our lives, by changing the way we think. You can unlock the hidden power of your mind and change the way you think with a practical and proven method. Click here for more details and Free, Personalized Weight Control Affirmations.
©Copyright 2000, Sierra Center for Peak Performance
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The On-Line E-Zine of the Sierra Center for Peak Performance
Volume IV, Number 1 - January 21, 2001
Welcome to the twenty fifth issue of the free Newsletter of Applied Sport Psychology. Members of this mailing list are automatically entered into the drawing for a free Personalized Subliminal CD from the Sierra Center for Peak Performance.
If you wish to be removed from our mailing list please go to: and complete and send the form that
you will find there.
The winner of the drawing for the free Personalized Subliminal CD for this time period is Vanessa Wakeman
Vanessa has 48 hours to claim the Personalized Subliminal CD.
Dear Friends,
As a part of my first publication of the New Year and New Millennium , I would like to once again state my appreciation to all of you who have made the success of this Newsletter, and possible. Thanks to your support is ranked in the top ten in most of the major search engines and within the top 15 in all major search engines in the category of Sport Psychology.
In my professional life, nothing is more valuable to me than the trust, confidence and participation of my friends, subscribers and clients. Your continued patronage is my most treasured asset. That's why I am once again making my New Year's Resolution to continue to strive to exceed your expectations and preserve this most precious of blessings.
So as I wish you the best in the coming year, I also want you to know how much I appreciate you! As a token of my appreciation I would like to urge all of you to go to for a free, sample set of Personalized Draft Affirmations.
Best wishes for a prosperous and successful New Year in which you will find yourself :
By Gary A. Beale, Ph.D.
After reading the two part article "HOW TO STAY FREE OF UNWANTED POUNDS OVER THE
HOLIDAYS" published in the December Newsletter, a reader had the following comment:
Hi Doc,
I read your article and it is great though a bit confusing to the average person who is not an experienced body
builder. Lets cut through the chase and the bottom line is discipline. However I understand that during this time
of the year our stomach's and our eyes are stronger than our minds and I say it is OK to indulge a little.
Note, the key word is little not a lot or a big portion of the foods that you know are not good for your body.
How many of us have gone overboard with deserts only to feel bloated uncomfortable and guilty? By having one serving
of lets say cake, a few cookies or a slice of pie should not hurt. The hurt sets in when you have the cake, cookies
and pie all in one evening. I still feel that there is no excuse for not making some time to exercise during these
next few weeks. This is when exercise is most important, not
only for your body to burn calories but also for the mind. I can go on and on regarding this subject but I say
have fun eat some holiday goodies in (moderation) and by all means exercise, walk or do your sit ups and push ups
at home.
Merry Christmas!
In mind body and spirit,
This response is notable for two reasons, "Franko" is Frank Capallupo. Frank, 52,
has been bodybuilding for over 30 years and retired from competition after winning the Mr. America Masters' Division
title in 1991. You can see what Frank looks like today by clicking here.
Secondly his remarks do, in fact, cut to the bottom line which in my opinion is discipline. Most of us wrestle
with self-discipline from time to time in our efforts to bring out our best. Too many of us rely upon our will
power to maintain our self-discipline. I have found that affirmations help to make the struggle more successful
and in the long run are much more effective than will power alone. At the very least the daily, audible verbalization
of personal affirmations helps to keep us focused on what we must do to reach our goals.
Saying affirmations aloud at least once every day also helps us to meet the challenges we face with a much more
positive attitude. The most effective affirmations are those that are based on our goals and the steps to achieve
those goals. You can find a free and easy resource for the development of your own personal affirmations by going
to There you will find a form that will help you set your goals and identify the steps that you must
take to achieve them. When you submit the completed form I will create a set of free, sample, personalized affirmations
for your approval and use. You can also go to for more complete instructions on writing your own affirmations. Either way I am sure that you will
find the daily use of affirmations a strong tool in your efforts to unleash the consistent Peak Performer in you.
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The On-Line E-Zine of the Sierra Center for Peak Performance
Volume IV, Number 2 - February 27, 2001
Welcome to the twenty sixth issue of the free Newsletter of Applied Sport Psychology. Members of this mailing list are automatically entered into the drawing for a free Personalized Subliminal CD from the Sierra Center for Peak Performance.
If you wish to be removed from our mailing list please go to: and complete and send the form that
you will find there.
The winner of the drawing for the free Personalized Subliminal CD for this time period is Lily Kwan
Lily has 48 hours to claim the Personalized Subliminal CD.
I received the following email today from a new client. The situation that he describes seems to be common to many athletes in many sports. I hope that other athletes in similar situations will benefit from the advice I offer here.
"...Until a week or two ago (Last two months), I had so much confidence in myself and
my pitching. Last week we started intramurals at the school, and I'm starting to get less confident, starting to
think more, and I'm also starting to get shaken up. I'm not sure why this is happening, but the only thing that
I know is that I need my confidence to do good pitching and I would like to be as confident as I was a month ago.
Some kids just started to show up at the practices, because wrestling is over, and these are the kids that always
say something negative when I make one error (no matter big or little), and are always saying something or mocking
me to put me down. Sometimes I think they do it on purpose to get into my head and mess me up. When they say this
stuff, I either get really mad or just laugh and make them think it doesn't bother me, when inside I just want
to knock them out. Are they part of the reason for my lack of confidence? I would really appreciate it if you could
tell me how to block them out of my head, and keep a strong
head and be very confident and cocky while pitching."
Please answer the following questions. Just hit "Reply" and fill in your answers
in the message that will appear.
How is your training with the program coming?
What image are you working on?
Do you listen to your subliminal every day?
How often do you say you affirmations aloud?
Are you more able to relax at will now than before using the program?
Do you feel more confident and optimistic when you compete?
Do you feel as if the training program has helped you?
Take the following actions immediately:
To be more successful competitors we all need to build and maintain the basic Mental Strength and Toughness Skills. After the basic foundation has been constructed, we need to learn how and when to apply them and continue to practice them in real-life situations. Do you have the skills? Do you know how to apply them? Is there anyone who is committed to helping you build, apply and maintain them?
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The On-Line E-Zine of the Sierra Center for Peak Performance
Volume V, Number 3 - March 31, 2001
Welcome to the twenty seventh issue of the free Newsletter of Applied Sport Psychology. Members of this mailing list are automatically entered into the drawing for a free Personalized Subliminal CD from the Sierra Center for Peak Performance.
If you wish to be removed from our mailing list please go to: and complete and send the form that
you will find there.
The winner of the drawing for the free Personalized Subliminal CD for this time period is
William Hurley.
William has 48 hours to claim the Personalized Subliminal CD.
During a conversation earlier this week with a candidate for the Elite Athlete Training Program, I was surprised to realize that I had not done an adequate job of explaining the typical process of training in this newsletter. The candidate who helped bring this fact to my attention is an athlete who has been a subscriber since 1998 and has collected and read all the articles that have been published. The questions that he asked during our conversation helped me to realized that it might be helpful to other readers if I were to present a typical "Mental Strength Training Prescription".
The process of training formally begins when the candidate completes an Affirmations Request Form and has a set of personalized affirmations created. After reviewing, modifying and/or approving the draft affirmations, a telephone consultation is usually held to further determine the unique circumstances and needs of the candidate.
In some cases the candidate is asked to provide a detailed outline of a typical day of competition to help in the construction of personalized, guided mental rehearsals and the construction of a pre-competition, mental routine.
The candidate is then asked to provide the music, or nature sounds, that will be used in the construction of his or her personalized subliminal CD or CDs. Phase I of the program is then produced and shipped to the athlete and instructions for the use of the program are e-mailed.
The following is a mental training prescription for Baseball and is offered as an example. The affirmations have been omitted for reasons of confidentiality and to save space.
Research and experience have proven that structured scientific mental training can help you to improve your game.
Voluntary Relaxation and Visual Rehearsal are the basic skills that must be developed if mental training is to
be most effective.
Voluntary Relaxation is the ability to consciously calm the mind and body. Almost everyone would agree that the muscles of the body are more able to perform at their best when they are relaxed and that the mind can perform at its best when it is calm.
You can train your body and mind to be more relaxed in response to predetermined cues given by you. You can then give these cues in any circumstance and, as a result of the increase in relaxation and concentration that will naturally occur, you will be more likely to be at your best both mentally and physically.
The physical and mental mastery that is developed will greatly increase your ability to consistently perform at
the top of your potential.
Visual Rehearsal is the ability to produce and creatively manipulate mental images of your own performance. When
you practice properly in the theater of your mind you multiply your practice time. This is very important because:
The theater of your mind is the only place where you can practice perfectly every time. When
you visually rehearse and you see yourself being successful you also build confidence and poise and prepare yourself
mentally for the real-life, on-field situation.
Just as you must regularly practice your physical skills in order to develop them and keep them sharp, you must
also regularly practice your mental skills. In order to gain maximum benefit, you must listen to your image CD
(CD One) in a darkened, quite room that is free from distractions and interruptions and has a comfortable place
to recline. Most bedrooms at bedtime are well suited for this type of practice.
Never listen to your image CD while driving or when operating dangerous equipment because it could make you drowsy or cause you to fall asleep. If you maintain the mental training prescription that follows, your mind will help you become a consistent peak performer. Please note that as with most things worth achieving, you will get results from this training in direct proportion to the effort that you put into it. It has been said that failure is the only thing that can be achieved without effort.
Peak performance occurs when a player is able to bring out the best in himself and respond appropriately to the challenges of the sport. Consistent peak performance is the result of:
We all can and should play a major role in guiding our own efforts to follow physical, nutritional
and psychological regimens that will be most conducive to establishing and maintaining higher levels of personal
Most people will readily acknowledge the importance of these three components of athletic performance, but rarely
feel motivated to develop and implement a plan for all three areas. Much good information on the areas of physical
exercise and nutrition is available, but very little is available regarding scientifically based mental training
Over the last ten years, a good deal of practical data on the applied aspects of mental training has
been developed. Because of the amount of research generated on the subject, it is now possible to assemble a more
complete optimal training package.
A key ingredient needed to develop reliable patterns of performance enhancing behavior is a winning attitude.
One of the quickest, most effective ways to develop and maintain a winning attitude is through the use of affirmations.
An affirmation is a short, positive statement that confirms the achievement of the goal.
As a direct result of
recent discoveries in the field of autogenic suggestion and self-programming, the following affirmations can cognitively
restructure that subconscious part of your mind where attitudes reside. To gain the maximum benefit from these
affirmations you must say them aloud at least once everyday during the period of basic training with Images I through
IV. Say them at least three times each week thereafter. Repetition is the key to success.
These affirmations are not necessarily statements of outer fact, but they are the truth of your accomplished basic
mental training goals. When the subconscious mind is repeatedly subjected to the affirmations presented above,
the affirmations began to replace doubts and negative thoughts and transform your attitude into that of a consistent
winner. Affirmations have an amazing power to bring about changes in your attitude and level of play.
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The On-Line E-Zine of the Sierra Center for Peak Performance
Volume V, Number 4 - April 23, 2001
Welcome to the twenty-eighth issue of the free Newsletter of Applied Sport Psychology. Members of this mailing list are automatically entered into the drawing for a free Personalized Subliminal CD from the Sierra Center for Peak Performance.
If you wish to be removed from our mailing list please go to: and complete and send the form that
you will find there.
The winner of the drawing for the free Personalized Subliminal CD for this time period is
Sally McAtee.
Sally has 48 hours to claim the Personalized Subliminal CD.
One of the classic, early studies in
Sport Psychology demonstrates the potential power of Mental Rehearsal as a means
of enhancing athletic performance. The study was conducted with free throw
shooting in Basketball.
The researcher divided a group of athletes into four groups. Group I was
assigned to the physical practice of free throws. Group II not only practiced
shooting free throws but also mentally rehearsed free throw shooting. Group III
did not physically practice but did mentally rehearse. Group IV did not practice
or mentally rehearse.
Group I - Physical Practice Only
Group II - Physical Practice and Mental Rehearsal
Group III - Mental Rehearsal but No Physical Practice
Group IV - No Physical Practice and No Mental Rehearsal
When tested on their ability to make free throws after several weeks following the practice routines outlined above, the following results were achieved: Group II achieved the highest free throw shooting average, followed by Group I, Group III and Group IV.
Highest Average
Group II - Physical Practice and Mental Rehearsal
Group I - Physical Practice OnlyGroup III - Mental Rehearsal but No Physical Practice
Group IV - No Physical Practice and No Mental Rehearsal
Lowest Average
The researcher was able to conclude from
an analysis of the statistics that, in this study, when athletes were able to
pair physical practice with mental rehearsal they were able to produce a free
throw shooting average that was higher than those athletes who only physically
practiced and did not mentally rehearse. She was also able to conclude that when
athletes in this study only mentally rehearsed free throw shooting they were
able to produce a higher average than those athletes who did not practice and
did not mentally rehearse.
What this suggests to me is that mental
rehearsal has the power to boost performance above the level that could be
achieved with physical practice alone. These results also suggest that mental
rehearsal of an athletic skill, while not as good as physical practice paired
with mental rehearsal or physical practice alone, is better than no practice at
What is the practical significance of
this study?
(1) To maximize an athletes potential coaches and athletes should not only practice physical skills but should also mentally rehearse them.
(2) When unable to practice because of injury or other limitations, such as weather or the lack of suitable facilities, coaches and athletes should mentally rehearse.
Is structured, scientific, technically correct mental rehearsal a part of your preparation routine for athletic competition? If the answer is "NO" you are probably not performing as well as you might.
Mental Rehearsal is a technique that holds great promise as a practical, legal and reliable method of enhancing your performance. Contact me if you would like to know how you could more effectively incorporate it into your training and preparation and by so doing gain that illusive, winning edge.
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The On-Line E-Zine of the Sierra Center for Peak Performance
Volume V, Number 5 - May 30, 2001
Welcome to the twenty-ninth issue of the free Newsletter of Applied Sport Psychology. Members of this mailing list are automatically entered into the drawing for a free Personalized Subliminal CD from the Sierra Center for Peak Performance.
If you wish to be removed from our mailing list please
click here and complete and send the form that
you will find there.
The winner of the drawing for the free Personalized Subliminal CD for this time period is
Percival Palmer.
Percival has 48 hours to claim the Personalized Subliminal CD.
After reading
last month's newsletter, Grant Jensen sent in the following narrative. Grant is
a Goalkeeper Coach with the New Zealand Field Hockey Team. Grant describes his work with the
team's goalkeepers on an Indoor Hockey
tour of Australia. The tour was a series of 13
test matches. Grant's responsibility was to
physically and mentally prepare the team's two goalkeepers during the series.
The mental rehearsal project began by having the goalkeepers watch tapes of the opposition attackers to study their tendencies and where they liked to place their shots during penalty corners and penalty strokes. I then assigned a team member to play the role of each attacker during physical practice sessions. At first the keepers were being beaten by the pace of the ball which can travel at speeds up to 100 mph.
With frustration setting in, I got the keepers into a darkened room, relaxed them and began mental rehearsals. I would say an opposing attacker's name. The goalkeepers were required to respond by saying where they thought that player was going to put the ball and also visualize the ball coming at them. The first few times they tried to visualize the attack, the keepers commented that they could only see the ball going into the net. I then changed their visual alignment to the positive and got them to visualize the ball coming, attacking the ball and making the save. I did this by acting as a sports commentator and calling the play with the final comments going something like this: "Jackson draws a player, beats another, shoots for goal... Saved!... and what a save, where did William's come from?". This positive reinforcement and the keepers visualizing the player and the save had a huge impact on their performance.
During the physical training sessions they went from a 25% successful save rate to a 90% rate. I also employed the tactic of blindfolding them, saying the attackers name and calling the shot as it was struck. Every time a shot was saved during this drill I received the same comment from the keepers, "I saw it coming".
During the test matches you could see the frustration building on the opposition attackers as their attacks were foiled and they were unable to figure out how to beat the keepers.
Mental rehearsal sessions continued for all tests. I also did a full game visualization that was focused on turning any error into a game saving move.
At the end of 12 tests, the series was tied at 6 games all. At a team meeting prior to the final match, I was given the opportunity to talk to all the players. I asked each player to describe how he thought he would win the final match for the team. Each team member told of how he saw events unfolding and what they were going to do. This vision was then turned into reality when the team was taken onto the field and they practiced performing the move that they had described.
Game day and the script could not have been any better written. It started with the Eagles "Take It To The Limit" playing quietly in the background as the team warmed up. On the field, everyone did exactly as they had said they would, except for one player. He had visualized scoring the winning goal but he actually scored the equalizing goal. This forced the game into overtime and then into penalty strokes. Tony came to me and asked the question, "What do I do"? I just said, "What did you see yourself doing"? Tony said that he say himself making the game winning save, top right hand corner. (This is a near impossible save to pull off) I just said to him "Dream it, Feel it, Live it". And he did. The save was unbelievable! Even the attacker shook his hand. After walking off the field of play, Tony commented that the ball seemed to be moving very slowly and that he felt as if he had a huge amount of time to get into position and make the save.
In conclusion, when physical and mental rehearsal are paired, there will be an improvement of performance.
Have you tried structured, scientific, technically correct mental rehearsal as a part of your preparation routine for athletic competition?
If the answer is still "NO", what are you waiting for?
Contact me NOW if you would like to know how you can more effectively incorporate it into your training and gain that illusive, winning edge.
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The On-Line E-Zine of the Sierra Center for Peak Performance
Volume V, Number 6 - June 28, 2001
Welcome to the thirtieth issue of the free Newsletter of Applied Sport Psychology. Members of this mailing list are automatically entered into the drawing for a free Personalized Subliminal CD from the Sierra Center for Peak Performance.
If you wish to be removed from our mailing list please
click here and complete and send the form that
you will find there.
The winner of the drawing for the free Personalized Subliminal CD for this time period is
Elizabeth Ollie.
Elizabeth has 48 hours to claim the Personalized Subliminal CD.
To give you a better idea of how I use Mental Rehearsal with my clients, here is a sample mental rehearsal, for a golfing competitor, for your review. This Personalized Mental Rehearsal was developed to address the specific, identified needs of the particular client.
Drifting...floating...dreaming and in your dreams you can see yourself and feel yourself standing on the first tee at Hidden Valley. It is a beautiful, hot, sunny day. High, fluffy clouds drift slowly about the cobalt blue sky above you. The bright sun beams down warming your face; arms and shoulders making them feel relaxed and totally free of tension. The sight of the mountains in the far distance and the faint rumble of the ball machine make you feel even more comfortable and at ease despite the heat and sticky feeling of your shirt that is moist with perspiration.
As you stand behind your ball and sight your target down the fairway you can see the hump with trees on the right. You can hear the sounds of a golf cart on the gravel path; a voice on the intercom and the polite, hushed murmur of people talking. The smell of fresh cut grass drifts by your nostrils...the slightly sharp taste of the cooler you just finished lingers in your mouth and you feel so very good and full of energy. All these sights, sounds, odors and tastes seem to fade and grow dim as you take three deep, belly breaths and your intensity of concentration builds and blocks out all distractions.
Your powerful and well trained attention begins to focus on the shot you are preparing to make; a feeling of confidence begins to spread throughout your entire body and you take a deep breath and say to yourself, "Only this shot matters", "Only this shot exists." As you prepare to address the ball you can feel the spring of the grass beneath your feet and the familiar comfortable feeling of your golf shoes. The pressure of the golf balls in your pocket serves as a cue, to remind you of the importance of visualizing each shot in slow motion prior to taking your powerful and fluid swing.
You take a deep breaths and in the theater of your mind you can see and feel yourself taking a perfect swing; you can hear the sound of the club whipping through the air and see the ball land 280 yards down the fairway - 30 yards past the hump. Now you address the set the club down behind the ball and make minor adjustments as you settle into a perfect stance. You can feel the weight of your body evenly distributed on the balls of both feet; left foot slightly out at about 45 degrees; your stance if firm and solid; your knees slightly flexed; you are bent at the waist with your shoulders barely open; like your entire stance. You can feel your middle three fingers of both hands pressing on the shaft of the club with your left index finger putting pressure on the pinky of your right hand. Your grip feels so right; the grip feels sticky. You waggle the club five (5) or six (6) times, each waggle makes you feel more and more calm and confident of your ability to put the ball exactly where you want it.
Five (5) or six (6) quick glances assure you of success and triggers feelings of complete control and infinite power. You pause totally still for about one second and then your left shoulder starts to move almost on its own and the rest of the body smoothly follows. Your back swing feels very, very fluid with an effortless turn; the club sets parallel to the ground for a split second; and then the hips begin to drive through the ball with the rest of the body flowing behind generating great power and precision; your ears are aware of the whooshing sound of the club as it whips through the air. That perfect feel; that sweet perfection; that "nothingness" as the club head blasts the ball off the tee....and your body smoothly and naturally raises out of the swing in the follow-through to a high, strong finish; dropping the club down pointing at the target.
You can hear
the unfamiliar voices of strangers giving their approval and admiration of your
perfect stroke and shot and a smile of joy plays across your face as you move
down the fairway towards your distant ball... feeling full of calm energy and great
tranquility. It feels so good to play at your peak and have others admire your
well-trained skills as you DRIFT...FLOAT...DREAM.
My next article will reveal how this performance visualization was personalized.
Do you think a Personalized Mental Rehearsal could improve your performance? Don't you deserve every available advantage to help you perform at your best? If you're tired of failing to consistently play up to your potential; if you want to increase your level of success; if you're tired of gadgets, gimmicks or instruction that just doesn't get you were you want to be, enroll today in one of the three Basic Mental Strength Training Programs that are available to you by clicking here.
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The On-Line E-Zine of the Sierra Center for
Peak Performance
Volume V, Number 7 - July 17, 2001
Welcome to
the thirty-first issue of the free Newsletter of Applied Sport Psychology. Members
of this mailing list are automatically entered into the drawing for a free
Personalized Subliminal CD from the Sierra Center for Peak Performance.
If you wish
to be removed from our mailing list please click here
and complete and send the form that you will find there.
The winner of
the drawing for the free Personalized Subliminal CD for this time period is
Aaron Seiter.
Aaron has 48
hours to
claim the Personalized Subliminal CD.
One of the
best ways to construct an effective Mental Rehearsal is to begin by creating an outline of the basic
elements that should be present when you are performing at your best. The basic
elements are as follows:
Sensory Elements Present
Technical Routine
Mental Routine
Affirmations and Key Words
The outline for the Mental Rehearsal that appeared last month is as follows:
I. Sensory Elements Present
SEE -Addressing ball and looking down f airway; putting green on right side; driving range in front with people practicing; mountains in far distance in front (sky, clouds, sun, etc.)
HEAR -Faint murmur of people talking; rumble of ball machine; voice on club intercom; golf carts on gravel path; (outside noises make you feel more calm and comfortable)
SMELL - Fresh cut grass
TASTE -Coke; lemonade; "cooler" (lemonade, orange juice and sprite) *cooler most common, slightly sharp taste
TOUCH -Grass beneath feet; comfortable f eel of your golf shoes; golf ball in pocket; feel the heat; sticky from perspiration; golf club in hand
EMOTIONS -Calm, clear, focused concentration; free from distractions; joy, good feelings
II. Technical Routine
behind ball and sight target; Grip - middle three fingers of both hands pressing
on the shaft of the club; left index finger putting pressure on the pinky of the
right hand; "sticky grip". Set
club down behind the ball to help the set up; Stance - evenly distributed on the
balls of each foot; left toe slightly out at 40 degrees; firm, solid, balanced
stance; knees slightly flexed; bent at the waist; shoulders barely open like
your entire stance. Minor adjustments, glance at the target; pause for about 1 second, totally still; left hip starts to move first and the rest of the body
follows; fluid back swing with an effortless turn; club sets parallel to the
ground for a split second; hips drive through the ball first, towards the target
and the rest of the body follows behind; effortlessly generating great power;
and absence of feeling when the club head makes contact; body smoothly and
naturally raising out of swing in the follow-through to a high strong finish;
dropping the club down, pointing at the target.
Mental Routine
the target and begin to increase the intensity of concentration with deep, belly
breaths; say affirmation
- "Only this shot matters" "Only
this shot exists"; feel golf balls in pocket and breath deep and visualize the shot; see
yourself swinging in slow motion, hear whooshing sound of club whipping through
the air, feel perfect contact, see the ball land 280 yards down the fairway - 30
yards past the hump.
VI. Affirmations and Key Words
A. Only this shot matters; Only this shot exists.
B. My shoulders feel relaxed and totally free from tension.
C. Deep breaths trigger my powerful and well trained concentration.
D. I have a fluid, smooth back swing.
E. I drive my hips through the ball.
F. Hitting the ball solid feels so good!
Review last
months article and see if you can determine how these elements were incorporated
into the finished Mental Rehearsal.
Don't you think that you could benefit from a guided Mental Rehearsal such as the one that appeared in last months Newsletter? Click here and send me an email if you would like to learn how easily a guided Mental Rehearsal could be constructed for you.
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The On-Line E-Zine of the Sierra Center for
Peak Performance
Volume V, Number 8 - August 27, 2001
Welcome to
the thirty-second issue of the free Newsletter of Applied Sport Psychology. Members
of this mailing list are automatically entered into the drawing for a free
Personalized Subliminal CD from the Sierra Center for Peak Performance.
If you wish
to be removed from our mailing list please click here
and complete and send the form that you will find there.
The winner of
the drawing for the free Personalized Subliminal CD for this time period is
Juanita Netoff.
Juanita has 48
hours to
claim the Personalized Subliminal CD.
The following is a re-print of an article done by Coach Guy Power at his great site Powerbasketball . I think that you will find it of interest.
player has mental and physical deficiencies in their game. A coach's job
normally revolves around the fundamentals of any given sport. We, as coaches,
constantly are looking for ways to improve our athletes' abilities. Most
coaches are constantly attending coaching clinics, reading the latest books,
watching videos, etc. to help improve their athletes. Drills, individual, and
team play are used during practice to "fix" these inadequacies.
have had many occasions to get upset at my players' choice of game time
decisions. Why did they do what they did? Was it because of poor skills?
Sometimes. However, I have always believed that the mental part of the game to
be as important, if not more, as the physical. I have always strived to offer my
athletes some personal coaching to get past their mental lapses.
past season, I was running up against a brick wall with my oldest (13 year old)
son. His attitude and confidence level were down. Practices were fine. He would
be involved in everything. The situations would unfold and his decisions were
good. A defender would not allow him to dribble penetrate, so he would look to
the wing or post to make a pass. A half court trap would come along and again he
would make the correct choice, by passing out of the double team. His defensive
pressure was adequate, but was lacking some aggressiveness.
could really see the difference during games. Our "diamond" press
would frustrate opponents but somehow he would always be a step out of sync. I
felt that I come to the point that I expected too much of him. But he came to me
and said, "I am just not playing like I want to." We sat down on
several occasions to render a solution to his problem. We tried several
different approaches; nothing seemed to "fix" his mental breakdowns in
the games.
don't want to call this a last resource. However, I needed some help. I took my
own advice and contacted Dr. Gary Beale. I made him aware of my son's situation.
Derek responded to the affirmation form found at and Dr. Beale
produced the affirmations sheet. Derek (rather sheepishly) would say his
affirmations out loud in his bedroom every night. As he put it, when do the CD's
get here?
Beale and I had discussed producing the CD set for Derek. It was a quick process
to send a CD of Derek's choice and receive the two CD set. Derek popped the CD
into his personal CD player the afternoon the package arrived. Ten minutes later
he walked out of his room and confronted me. I thought that he (Dr. Beale) was
going to talk to me or something. I reminded Derek of what
"subliminal" messaging is all about. He returned to his room feeling a
bit better.
fun part was going to be to get Derek to listen to CD One, the Relaxation and
Imagery CD. I was wrong and he was right. He had no problem at all listening to
it. I think he actually enjoyed listening. He listened to this CD every night.
As he put it, "It relaxes me and knocks me right out." He was
referring to the methods of imagery used on the CD.
enough with the jibber-jabber, did all of this help? ABSOLUTELY!!! Derek began
to notice the changes and would point them out to me. "Dad, I don't know
why but I didn't feel any pressure today." He said after scoring,
scrapping, and fighting his team's way to a victory. "I felt like I was six
feet tall and nobody could stop me out there." (This was one of his
affirmations.) His defensive mentality totally changed, he was a different
person. He went from never stealing the ball, to leading the team in steals at
crunch time. If we were down, somehow he would come up with the steal at the
right time. Actually, in two identical situations down 6 points, he was able to
steal the ball on two consecutive defensive possessions and score 4 points in 8
seconds to get us within two points. We lost both games. However, give him
another 4 seconds and he might have won us both games. You just never know.
do know one thing. Coaches, if you ever have athletes that need help with their
mental game, this is definitely the answer. Dr. Beale's methods work. I have yet
to actually endorse any one product over the years on PowerBasketball. But, this
time is the exception. This program is without a doubt easy to use and will
yield excellent results.
Coach Guy Power has been involved
with youth sports for the past 7 years. He
has coached at high school, junior high, and grade school levels, both
competitive and recreational. He is currently involved with junior high and
AAU/YBOA select basketball for the last several seasons.
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The On-Line E-Zine of
the Sierra Center for Peak Performance
Volume V, Number 9 - September*
Welcome to the thirty-third issue of the free Newsletter of Applied Sport Psychology. Members of this mailing list are automatically entered into the drawing for a free Personalized Subliminal CD from the Sierra Center for Peak Performance.
If you wish to be removed from our mailing list please click here and complete and send the form that you will find there.
The winner of the drawing for the free Personalized Subliminal CD for this time period is Lloyd Watkins.
Lloyd has 48 hours to claim the Personalized Subliminal CD.
Tools to Help Maintain Focus
in Troubling Times
By Gary A. Beale, Ph.D.
The September and October Newsletters were postponed with the hope that conditions in America, and the world, would become less disturbing within a reasonable period of time. It is now obvious that many troubling state of affairs are escalating and not subsiding. This escalation continues to affect many of us in negative or unproductive ways. Here are a few things that you can begin to do to help maintain your focus in these days that seem filled with unsettling, distracting and disturbing news and events.
When distractions are
many and it is more difficult to maintain your focus on your goals and the
actions that you must take to achieve them, there are several cognitive
techniques that can help you minimize or eliminate the negative outcomes that
distractions tend to cause. (Click the links for additional information)
a set of goals, action steps
and affirmations that will
help you stay centered and focused. To facilitate this strategy I have
created a special web form that
will allow you to set goals and actions steps related to maintaining your
concentration. I will create a set of affirmations
based upon the information that you provide on your completed form. THIS IS A FREE SERVICE.
your goals and affirmations aloud each day before you get out of bed in the
morning and before you go to sleep at night.
copies of your goals and affirmations in conspicuous places to help remind
you to review and say them often.
a special effort to use "Thought-Stopping"
to redirect and eliminate unwanted or distracting thoughts or Self-Talk.
a subliminal reinforcement
CD or tape produced and listen to it often.
special emphasis on staying "In The Moment" and maintain a focus
on the process of working on your goals, or the tasks immediately at hand,
and make special efforts to avoid Outcome Thinking.
frequent "Relaxation Breaks" by using deep, diaphramatic breathing
exercises to trigger Voluntary Relaxation. (See Thought-Stopping)
evidence suggests that maintaining a balance of relaxation and energy
increases the ability to concentrate.
If you will try any or all of these suggestion you will find it much easier to stay focused on your goals and as a result you will be much more likely to take the actions needed to achieve them. At the very least, by implementing the suggestions above you will find it easier to make more productive use of your time during periods of social upheaval and significant traumatic distractions.
©Copyright 2001, Sierra Center for Peak Performance
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*Published in November 2001 in response to the tragedy of 9/11/01