First of the Year Gift to You: PERSONALIZED AFFIRMATIONS
Thank you for supporting the Sierra Center for Peak Performance. Please use this form to set goals and action steps and Dr. Relax will turn your goals and action steps into powerful affirmations that will motivate, inspire and reinforce your efforts to reach your goals.
To take the first step in the development of a personalized training program that is specific to you, your sport, your interest and your unique circumstances, simply complete this form and click on "Send" at the bottom.
You will receive a confirmation of your successful submission or an error message that will tell you what you missed. If you receive the error message just hit "Back" in your browser, correct the error and hit "Submit" again at the bottom of the page.
* Note that Step 1 is the action you must take to achieve Goal 1 and each step should be paired with each goal above.
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